“A church planter who desires to plant a church, and one who yearns to reach a city do dramatically different things.”
- Jeff Christopherson
Most church planting residencies cover spiritual and personal leadership formation, doctrine/theology, models, and ecclesiology but don't explore what it takes to reach every man, woman, and child in a geography with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our aim is to complement already existing residencies – by coming alongside sending organizations to provide a missiological track for their resident church planters. We want to help teams plant churches FOR their cities FROM the harvest and gain a network of other churches who do the same.
The Residency
will help you to:
Recognize that planting a church FROM the harvest, and not just FOR the harvest, will change your entire approach to church planting
Cultivate a healthy, biblical, missionary operating system that is essential to fuel applications for Kingdom impact
Challenge your current perspective in regard to mission, and commit to impacting a city rather than just planting a church
Clarify thinking around church models (micro, multiethnic, replant, launch, etc.) alongside experienced coaches and planters
Design a plan to multiply Kingdom disciples who embrace their mission in the public square
Identify your missional starting place in your geography, and design next steps to engage people there
Some questions we’ll
help you answer:
What are the greatest obstacles to gospel transformation for the lost people in your circle?
Do your strategies primarily fuel success for your church or take responsibility for the lostness in your city?
Are your strategies simple, relational, and Spirit-dependent, so that they can be reproduced without you and outside of the church?
How can you create scorecards for the messier, more intangible priorities of transformation, mobilization, collaboration, and multiplication?
What rhythms are critical to developing a core of believers on mission IN their community WITH their community?
Why are the initial ratios and demographics reflected in my core team so critical to long term community impact?
What would happen if church planters started with the heart and team to engage a city,
not just the competencies to start a church?
Church planters from coast to coast have joined a collaborative Residency cohort to flesh out a Biblical operating system characterized by Cypress principles: Movement thinking, Kingdom priorities, Harvest focus, and Disciple clarity. These principles are essential to designing systems and defining scorecards that will transform a city. Cohorts spend
24 hours together over three sessions steeped in teaching, reflection, and envisioning.